Welcome OpenSc, today I will show you a tutorial about a very unknown but very nice and funny RAT named Vanguard Remote Administration Tool. This RAT was coded by remoteguy and I found this on opensc.ws. As I know, many members confirmed this is CLEAN. So, here I will list the Features:
- File Manager
- Window Manager
- Process Manager
- Application Manager (Installed Programs)
- Command Prompt
- Screen Capture
- Webcam Capture
- Keylogger
- Password Manager
- Active Ports
- Restart, Close, Uninstall, Share Server, update Server
- Reboot, Log Off, shutdown, switch user
Like you can see it doesnt have many Features but this Features are the most usefull.
Here is a pic of the RAT:
What we will need for the tutorial:
- Vanguard Remote Administrative Tool (download above)
What we do not need:
- Flamming, Spam posting asking for RAT setup without reading the Tutorial.
Stability - Very stable and powerful
Connection Limit - No limit
Fun Features - not much only shutdown etc.
RESULT = 95% suggested
In this Tutorial I will show you 3 different things:
- NO-IP Setup
- RAT Setup
- Portforwarding
Lets start!
STEP 1 - Setting up the NO-IP
Go to no-ip.com and regsiter there. Registration is fully free.
Step 1.1
Go to your NO-IP, and click Add Host. Here:
Step 1.2
After you clicked on Add Host, this should appear:
After you have done all that in the pic, just click on Create.
Step 2 - Setting up the RAT
Step 2.1
Download the RAT from the Link above and extract it on the Desktop
Step 2.2
You will see the RAT showing up. Click on "Menu" and select "Settings". It should look like this:
Just follow the steps in the picture. When you have done all that, just follow the steps in this picture:
DONE! YOu have setted up your RAT + Server correctly!
Step 3 - Port Forwarding
1. Go To; Start > Run > CMD. And In The Command Box. Type: Ipconfig,
2. Now Look For Something Named: Default Gateway Or Standard Gateway. (Usually There Should Be like.. 10 Numbers, Remember Thoose.
3. Go To Your Internet Browser And Type Thoose Numbers In.
4. You Have Now Come To Your Router Page.
5. Lookup The "Virtual Server" Or "Port Forwarding" Page And Port Forward The Port: 82
6. As Internet Protocols, Use BOTH Tcp And Udp For The RAT To Work.
7. Press "Save" Or "Apply"!
8. Go To: Canyouseeme.org
9. Write In Port: 82 And press Check!
10 If It Says:
Success: I can see your service on ***.***.**.*** on port (82)
Your ISP is not blocking port 82
Then You Have Succedfully Port Forwarded And Can Start Spreading Your RAT Virus!
11. But If It Says:
Error: I could not see your service on ***.***.**.*** on port (82)
Reason: Connection timed out
Then You Have NOT Port Forwarded Correctly, Just Try Until You Get It Forwarded
For Further Help With Port Forwarding.. Visit Portforward.com
Download :
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